Shipping worldwide

WORLDWIDE shipping

Did you know We ship to a lot of different countries.
here is the shippingprices:

  • Germany : shop delivery 110DKK

                           Private delivery 122,50DKK 


  • Netherlands  : euro business parcel (business and private) 116,25DKK 

                                  Private delivery 128,75DKK 


  • France :  euro business parcel (business and private) 128,75DKK 

                         Private delivery 142,50DKK


  • Sweden : shop delivery 102,50DKK 

                          Euro business parcel (business and private) 116,25DKK 


  • Norway : Post Nord Homedelivery 325DKK

                         Post Nord Parcel delivery 270DKK


  • Spaine : Euro business parcel private and business 181,25DKK


  • Italy : Euro business parcel private and business 155DKK


  • Portugal : Euro business parcel private and business 181,25DKK



Send as a letter (no insurance) but I have great experience with these letters. 


  • Canada - Send as a letter (no insurance) 96DKK
  • The UK - Send as a letter (No Insurence) 96DKK


Where is my country??

If you cant see your country let me know by email or chat and I will find a price for you.